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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Ace Combat 2 System : Playstation Date Added : 2002-06-17 01:41:29 Views : 27341 Cheat : Bad Ending: On the 19th mission, "Kingpin", be sure to shoot down the skilled enemy pilot, Z.O.E. You will then be able to play the 20th mission, "Last Resort". Do not shoot down the cruise missile that's launched to see this "Bad Ending". Bonus Aircraft: Finish the game and see the Normal or Bonus Ending. A new option will appear after you picked the difficulty under the "START GAME" option at the Title Screen. Using this option, you may have a chance to buy some new aircraft as you play through the game again. (Like the F-15S, MiG-31, Su-25, and the XFA-27.) Bonus Ending: On the 20th mission, "Last Resort", be sure to shoot down the cruise missile. You will then be able to play the 21st mission, "Fighter's Honor". Finish this mission to see this "Bonus Ending". Change Mission Map Viewpoint: On the mission select screen, put the cursor over 'MISSION' and hit SELECT for three different viewing angles. Free Mission Mode: Using the "EXTRA" Aircraft Mode, finish the game and see the Normal or Bonus Ending. After the "START GAME" option at the Title Screen, the "FREE MISSION" option will appear. Now, you can play all the missions you have discovered so far. Music Test: If you clear the game with a rank higher than First Lieutenant, a music player mode will show up in the option menu. Here are the controls: press L1 or L2 to skip forward, R1 or R2 to skip backwards, Circle to select the current track, Select to toggle screen, Square or Triangle or X to end. New Mission: While playing the 7th mission "SLEDGE HAMMER" ,ESCORTING OUR ATTACK OPERATION make sure to kill all of the transport ships including the gun launchers on the ship (There are 2 ships). If you shoot them and complete the mission, the next mission will have 2 choices - "RISING HIGH" HIGH ALTITUDE CHASE and the new mission "CUCKOO'S NEST" INTERRUPT THE ENEMY'S SUPPLY OPERATION. Hint: Shoot the parachutes down before they reach the ground and use machine guns Normal Ending: Play the game up to the 19th mission, "Kingpin". Finish the mission WITHOUT shooting down the skilled enemy pilot Z.O.E. (The enemy plane that is marked as 'DANGER' in the Briefing Screen.) View the Aircraft In 3D: Remember all those Skilled Enemy Pilots that are marked as "DANGER!" on the Briefing Screen? If you manage to shoot every single one of them down and complete your collection of medals on the Statistics Screen, a new option will appear in the Options Menu. All the planes you have encounter so far (both yours and the enemies') may be now seen in 3D! You may rotate the cool planes around, and even zoom in and out! Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Ace Combat 2 cheat codes.
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